Episode 1: Peppadews Stuffed with Feta Cheese

This quick and easy appetizer is going t.o impress your friends. It requires nearly no effort to make, except for cutting the feta cheese. You might find the canned or loose peppadews in your local store, but there are also many options available on the internet where you can find them.

Peppadews Stuffed with Feta Cheese
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
6 15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 15 minutes
Peppadews Stuffed with Feta Cheese
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
6 15 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 15 minutes
  1. Cut the feta cheese into the cubes that would fit the peppadews
  2. Stuff each peppadew with feta cheese
  3. Serve as an appetizer
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Meet the Author

Fr Vlad

Fr. Vlad Zablotskyy is the rector of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY. He enjoys cooking, baking bread and gardening.

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  • So cool! Never heard of a peppadew before. I want to try this! It looks so pretty. I also like the garnish on the side. What is it? Looks like sage…but maybe its an evergreen tree branch though! LOL!

    Nice job on the cooking show. Can’t wait to see you make the communion bread one of these days!

    • Fr Vlad

      Sabrina, I will probably get to it…. The problem will be conducing a 5-6 hours process into a 5 minute video :)…. I actually plan this is to be the first and the last time I was in the video myself. I have much better talent here in my church. Thank you for stopping by!