Unpacking The Sauerkraut Crock

We are getting ready to make our first batch of home-made sauerkraut. Before, however, purchasing a sauerkraut crock of your own, keep in mind that you can make sauerkraut just about in any pot or container that you have at home. As long as those pots and containers are “nonreactive”. The process of fermentation produces the lactic acid wich is not good to keep in a reactive pot or container. Nonreactive containers would include any enameled pots, stainless steel pots, plastic buckets. Copper, cast iron, and aluminum containers are all reactive and you should avoid using those for fermentation or pickling purposes.

If you think you might want to consider investing into a sauerkraut crock here are some choices from Amazon:

If you already are making your own sauerkraut, we would like to hear from you. Tell us what vessel do you use, share the recipes and tips in the comments below.

Meet the Author

Fr Vlad

Fr. Vlad Zablotskyy is the rector of Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Yonkers, NY. He enjoys cooking, baking bread and gardening.

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  • That’s a nice crock. I had plans to buy one this year but my cabbage crop was not ver successful, there’s always next year . That is a very good price for one of these crocks a few years ago they were much more expensive but I think more companies have started producing them and that has brought the price down. In the past when I have made Sauerkraut I have used a gallon glass jar fitted with an airlock in the lid which works very well for small batches.

    • Fr Vlad

      Yes this crock is good. I wanted to try a bigger batch, but will probably use glass jars for storing the finished product!